Digdo Aji Asrowi



Digdo Aji Asrowi - Web Developer

Graduate student majoring in Information Technology with expertise in web development and databases. Have ability to develop web applications using PHP, NodeJS, and ReactJS. Understand programming language with JavaScript, Python, Golang, and SQL. Best graduate of SIB Dicoding 2022 in the fields of Front-End Web and Back-End. Also, holds a Certificate of Competence as a Junior Web Developer from the Indonesian Professional Certification Authority. Committed to continuous learning new things, improving personal skills, and following the latest developments in the technology industry.

  • Birth: 30/06/2001
  • Degree: Bachelor
  • GPA: 3.85 / 4.0
  • City: Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Major: Information Technology
  • Education: Lambung Mangkurat University



JavaScript Programming



PHP Programming

Python Programming

Golang Programming

Structured Query Language

Git / GitHub

Web Development

Database Design

User Interface (UI) Design



Bachelor's degree, Information Technology

2019 - 2023

Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan

Relevant Course:

Algorithm, Data Structure, Structured Query Language, Database, & Web Programming;


Junior Web Developer

Sep 2023

Vocational School Graduate Academy Digital Talent Scholarship 2023

Database Design & Programming with SQL

Mar 2023 - Jun 2023

Talent Scouting Academy Digital Talent Scholarship 2023

Big Data using Python

Jul 2022 - Aug 2022

Fresh Graduate Academy Digital Talent Scholarship 2022

Front-End Web & Back-End

Feb 2022 - Jul 2022

Studi Independen Bersertifikat Dicoding Indonesia 2022

Organization Experience

Community Development Manager

Sep 2022 - Jul 2023

Google Developer Student Club Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

  • Leads the Community Development Division
  • Manage data collection on Google Developer Student Club community members for each activity
  • Manage activity information to community members through communication media platforms

Member of Division 3 Student Resource Empowerment

Feb 2021 - Jan 2022

Information Technology Student Association of Lambung Mangkurat University

  • Manage the student and alumni database
  • Manage the recruitment of students to be involved in organizational activities as a committee member
  • Manage data collection on students who take part in organization/study program activities

Youth Member of Division 3 Student Resource Empowerment

Jul 2020 - Dec 2020

Information Technology Student Association of Lambung Mangkurat University

  • Learn the basic knowledge of organization, student resource management, and administration
  • Assist in managing student and alumni databases
  • Assist in data collection on students who take part in organizational activities/study programs

Youth Executive Member

May 2020 - Dec 2020

Youth Executive School of Lambung Mangkurat University Student Executive Board

  • Learn the basic knowledge of organization, time management, and leadership
  • Manage information on the publication of organizational briefing activities to the public via the Instagram platform


  • All
  • Front-End
  • Back-End
  • Others


Magic Notes App

Golang - ComicShelf


Back-End For CTN Website

Culture and Tour Nusantara (CTN)

Restaurant Finder



  • All
  • Course
  • Training
  • Award

Dicoding - Menjadi React Web Developer Expert

Dicoding - Belajar Fundamental Aplikasi Web dengan React

Dicoding - Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Backend untuk Pemula

Dicoding - Memulai Pemrograman Dengan Python

Dicoding - Menjadi Frontend Web Developer Expert

Dicoding - Belajar Dasar Pemrograman JavaScript

Alterra - Backend Engineer Golang

BNSP - Pengembang Web Pratama

VSGA 2023 - Junior Web Developer

TSA 2023 - Database Design & Programming with SQL

FGA 2022 - Big Data using Python

Dicoding - SIB Dicoding 2022

BEM ULM School - 2020 Youth Executive Member